What to expect when writing your life story or business books with the DIYBook program

What to Expect with the DIYBook Program

You’re ready to write a book—congratulations! Now what? Here’s what to expect from the DIYBook program.

What to expect when writing your life story or business books with the DIYBook program
Credit: RG Studios from Getty Images Institute

Congratulations, Author! You are taking the first step towards writing your life story. Sometimes the first step is the hardest one. For some people, stringing words into sentences is frightening.

Have you ever asked yourself one of the following questions?

How am I going to start this?

Will I ever finish?

How in the world am I going to fill an entire book?

If so, you are not alone—if writing anything was easy, everyone would do it!

But, let’s face it, writing is hard, especially if you are writing about your life, but you do not have to do it alone: that’s why I created DIYBook. This simple and affordable writing platform provides all the tools and techniques you need to write your life story and write it well.

If your last major piece of writing was an essay for high school English, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. The DIYBook writing and printing platform is here for you!

And if you love writing but need more time, DIYBook can help! Our platform enables you to make the most of your time, resulting in your book in your voice.

About DIYBook

I created DIYBook when it became clear that people needed an affordable and easy-to-use system to write and publish their stories.

Many people have great stories to share but can’t afford a professional ghostwriter. It makes me incredibly sad when people call or email me and ask if my ghostwriting company can help them write their book. After I tell them how much ghostwriting costs, I often hear variations on the following: “But I saw a company online offering ghostwriting services for $599!”


“I guess I won’t write my story—I can’t afford the help I need.”

Usually, if someone tells me that another ghostwriting company will write an entire book for some crazy price, I will suggest to that person that this is a scam. Any ghostwriter who says they can do this is lying-run away as fast as you can.

Sometimes, people call me after trying one of these fly-by-night ghostwriting companies and losing hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on junk. It makes me very sad to see people’s dreams crushed like that, and it’s another reason why I created DIYBook; to give people a safe, affordable, and easy-to-use platform to write and publish their books. 

If you want ghostwriting help, you can purchase blocks of time with a vetted ghostwriting professional through your Author Account at DIYBook. 

The free resources here are to help you make the most out of your DIYBook experience, and these articles are formatted using the DIYBook fonts so that you can see how your book might look when you’re ready to hit “Print.”

Here’s what you can expect from the free resources material:

  • How to use the DIYBook Author Account
  •  Identify the real reasons why you’re writing your book.
  •  Captivate your readers
  •  Write about complicated topics
  •  Edit your writing
  •  Tackle writer’s block
  •  Maximize your time working with a ghostwriter or graphic designer

Remember: you can write. DIYBook is here to help.

What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Author Barabara Basbanes Richter, Founder of DIYBook
About the Author

Barbara Basbanes Richter founded DIYBook, an affordable and easy-to-use book writing program. She also founded In Ink Ghostwriting, a full-service ghostwriting firm helping politicians, pundits, scientists, CEOs, professional athletes, and others get their stories into print.

Under her own byline, Barbara’s writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Daily News, The Vineyard Gazette, Humanities, The Sewanee Review, Fine Books & Collections, Literary Features Syndicate, High Country News, Ravishly.com, Westchester Magazine, and other outlets.

Barbara is a fluent French speaker, and her translation from French to English of Mademoiselle de Malepeire was called a “clever, inspiring gem.”

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