Hire a Graphic Designer


A graphic designer can help you with any of the visual elements of the book, from creating a book cover, designing the interior content (which can include everything from a table of contents to a dedication page) and can also provide ideas on where to place photos and illustrations.

Please note that DIYBook only offers these services in 5-hour increments. Each 5-hour block is $1,500 ($300/hour).

Click here to learn why our Graphic Design services are a great investment.

5 Hours (+$1,500.00)
10 Hours (+$3,000.00)
15 Hours (+$4,500.00)
20 Hours (+$6,000.00)
Design a complete cover image for my book
Design part of the cover image for my book
Design the interior layout of my book
Design the photo layout of my book
Other: (Provide details below)
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